Winter's Brushstrokes and Melodies

Visitors to Gaia’s WINTER Palace

The Wonder Kids start to build a home in and around Gaia’s Palace - a cozy sanctuary situated in the heart of Prospect Park. They are visited by musician Dani Sundream and artist Gigi Chew of Spark Arts who demonstrate that art and music, woven from natural elements and spontaneous creativity, are powerful tools for self-expression, community building, and embracing the wonders of winter.

In and around the Prospect Park Picnic House, also known as Gaia’s Palace, winter's embrace has transformed the landscape into a magical haven sprinkled with snow and fog. During some of the first missions of the winter after school season, Gaia has sent us two enchanting visitors who leave behind trails of creativity and musical notes that linger like whispers in the frosty air.

Gigi Chew, an artist and teacher from Spark Arts, arrives to teach us the secret alchemy of nature's elements. Gaia sends Wonder Kids on an outdoor mission to retrieve natural materials. They return with an abundance of possibilities, which Gigi uses to unveil the mystery of how to create paint from the very essence of the world around us. Together, they craft hues from rocks, powders, and berries, transforming them into a stunning palette of pinks and blues. The Wonder Kids collaborate using the paints to create a mural that will decorate Gaia’s Palace - a testament to the synergistic spirit of the School of Wonder.

Upon looking at the mural, a magical connection emerges – a celebration of the season and a reflection of how wonder can flourish even in the coldest months. Gigi's visit illuminates the profound beauty that can be coaxed from the simplest of elements, reminding us that art is not just a product but a journey of discovery and connection.

This truth prevails a few weeks later when another visitor steps into our space. The Wonder Kids spot musician and songwriter Dani Sundream strumming his guitar near the light-flooded windows of Gaia’s Palace. His melodies add a new tone to our free, creative play time, inspiring some young explorers to dance or “ice skate” in their socks. Each note echoes through the tall ceilings.

As we gather for closing circle, Dani invites us to weave our experiences into spontaneous songs. We build the lyrics together, following his guide and reflecting on our shared discoveries and magical after school escapades. Our young adventurers sing along, inserting their favorite parts of the day - from freeze tag to climbing trees to making snowflakes. The song becomes a vessel to hold all of the winter adventures that have unfolded - it is a co-creation, a harmonious collaboration that left us with a serenade of memories etched in the fabric of Prospect Park.

As we continue the winter season, Dani and Gigi’s visits linger in the air. In Gaia's Palace, where nature, art, and music converge, the echoes of their enchantment remain, reminding us that magic is not just found in fairy tales but in the shared moments where creativity, community, and the wonders of winter intertwine.

If you’d like more information about our after school program, you can read more or register here!


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