A visionary project in hands of an education LEADER


2021 - GFEL Education Award as a Top 100 Visionaries in Education

2016 - US Green Card NIW, granted for the national importance and substantial merit of her career.

2014 - UK Government Education Policy Fellowship, granted to high-caliber professionals in education policy. 

2012 - Rafael del Pino Foundation Excellence Scholarship

15+ YEARS at the forefront of k-12 innovation

Marta Pascual Barea has 15+ years of international experience in education strategy, innovation and systemic change. After co-founding the Spanish version of Teach for America (“Empieza por Educar”), she moved to the United States in 2009 to continue learning about the most innovative educational movements. Here, she participated in important education policy reforms, first as director of charter school accountability at NJDOE (2011) and later as an education policy fellow at the UKDFE (2015). She also gained vast perspectives on the K-12 sector as a product manager and strategist in pioneering US ed-tech companies such as Amplify Education and Edpuzzle. Marta also has a background as a strategic consultant (Boston Consulting Group, 2006-2009).

Academically, Marta holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Columbia University (2011) and a six year double degree in Law and Business Administration from ICADE- Comillas University (2006). She is fluent in English, French, and Spanish, and intermediate in German. She currently lives in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, NY but was born in Zaragoza, Spain.